Friday, 27 January 2012

Moving And Copying Tables In MS Word

Rows and columns in a table can be moved using the same procedures as text within a document. However, the position of the insertion point when pasting or dragging rows and columns is important as it can alter the final result.

Using Cut/Copy & Paste
To move or copy a row/column:

i. Select the row to be moved/copied or select the column to be moved/copied.
ii. Click on the CUT/COPY button.
iii. Select the row where you want to paste (Word pastes above) or select the column
where you want to paste (Word pastes to the left).
iv. Clic k on the PASTE button

Using Drag & Drop
Rows and Columns can also be moved or copied using standard drag and drop techniques.
 To Move the selection:
v. Click on the middle of the selected area and drag it to the new location
 To Copy the selection:
i. Click on the middle of the selected area and hold down the CTRL while you drag the selection to where you want to copy it. Release the mouse button before the CTRL key

Microsoft Word

Word 2007 is a powerful word processing application that allows users to produce typed documents. These can range from simple letters through to fax cover sheets, reference manuals and sophisticated reports incorporating numbered headings, figures and graphics.